About Me

My name is Lauren Ganim and I am the mama to three pretty incredible kids. I'm also a professional marketer for a Fortune 500 company, and the daughter of an Obstetrician/Gynecologist & a nurse with a certification in Reproductive Endocrinology Nursing. I also have a deep passion to help fellow would-be mamas who are struggling to conceive, as I once did. It took me 5 years and $50,000 to conceive my first child, and the scars from infertility still run deep. But they are nothing compared to the joy my family brings me, which is how this project was born. I'm lucky that throughout my journey, I had resources that many women do not. In the spirit of sisterhood and paying it forward, I want to be here for you - like an older sister or a best friend that has been through it & seen it all.